29 Dic The BLUES, a new blended-learning european programme is born
The BLUES (Blended-Learning International Entrepreneurship Skills) project has started this month. The project was born within the Erasmus+ European programme framework and will be carried out over the next two years in four countries: Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. This ambitious initiative has been financed by the European Commission with a budget of over €270,000.
The latest European research shows that Higher Education needs to promote the entrepreneurial mind-set among the students, as well as provide them with the cross skills to make them more employable. As an answer to this need, the BLUES project will carry out entrepreneurship development initiatives that will give the students a set of tools and abilities along their formal education such as leadership, creative thinking, innovation and teamwork.
This new European project will result in the implementation of an innovative learning methodology through both face-to-face and online educational resources, based on some of the best practices carried out in the continent and within the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, thus assuring the quality and effectiveness of the entrepreneurial learning at various European universities where the programmes will be performed.
Besides, during the two years the project will last for, different tools, manuals, MOOCs and multimedia tutorials will be created to facilitate the scalability and replicability of the methodology by other European Universities.
Connecting University and the business world
BLUES will also promote cooperation between universities and companies on the regional level, involving different local business representatives with the design and implementation of the project, as well as taking part in entrepreneurship programmes.
All this will be achieved thanks to the coordinated efforts from the University of Cantabria (Spain), University Nova Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the University of Perugia (Italy) and Technology University Lapperaanta (Finland), together with the Spanish business association CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria, two Chambers of Commerce (Terni in Italy and Slovenia), MADAN Technological Park in Portugal, all led by CISE (Santander International Entrepreneurship Centre, from the University of Cantabria, in Spain).